Grilled Peaches with Creme Fraiche and Surprisingly Mild Guajillo Ghost Drizzle

Grilled Peaches with Creme Fraiche and Surprisingly Mild Guajillo Ghost Drizzle

Simple to make, summery, complex, refreshing, and a little spicy (courtesy of the ghost peppers in the Fat Cat Surprisingly Mild Guajillo Ghost Tex-Mex Hot Sauce and Marinade), this dish makes an exotic cookout favorite.

Grilled Peaches with Creme Fraiche and Surprisingly Mild Guajillo Ghost Drizzle Recipe

By Jillian Hernandez-Adams
Cook time: 10 min


  • 2-3 large peaches, preferably those that are a little under-ripe or still somewhat firm
  • 2-3 tablespoons of Fat Cat Surprisingly Mild Guajillo Ghost Tex-Mex Hot Sauce and Marinade
  • 2 tablespoons of creme fraiche, sour cream or Greek-style yogurt
  • Unflavored cooking spray (i.e. Original Pam, etc.)


  • Pre-heat your grill to high.
  • Cut the peaches into 1/2-inch wide wedges and spray both sides of the fruit lightly with cooking spray. (This ensures the fruit will not stick to the grill.)
  • Grill peaches on one side until fruit has charred nicely (about 1-2 minutes), then flip and grill another 1-2 minutes. Peaches should still be slightly firm when done. (Note: This can be done indoors with a grill pan or saute pan as well.)
  • Arrange peach slices on a plate and drizzle Fat Cat Surprisingly Mild Guajillo Ghost Tex-Mex Hot Sauce and Marinade over them. Dot the plate with creme fraiche and enjoy!


Note 1: The recipe also works well with mango, plums, papaya or pineapple.

Note 2: If you find that the fruit is not as sweet as you’d like, drizzle 1 teaspoon of honey over the fruit after grilling (in addition to drizzling the sauce on top).
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